Lady Gobies History
From the original Lady Gobies webpage...
The first women known to romp around with plastic between their fingers include names like Leslie DiBona (well, now Moder), Jen Luken, Erin McElvey, and Sandy Swinler. Most of them were in the Sigma Psi sorority. They played with da' boyz at IM tourneys and upon their graduation, they formed the backbone of the Cleveland woman's club team.
In the fall of 1997, some new faces replaced the graduated ones. Freshman Chris Hung, a product of the powerhouse that is Phillips Exeter Ultimate, wandered into the scene and a lazy Adam Phillips cunningly made her vice president so he wouldn't have to do any work as president. For several lonely months, Chris played disc w/ the men until the glorious morning when Rima Viliamas, a fellow dormmate, woke up crying, "I'm an ultimate player!". With the power of two, Chris and Rima often coaxed their dormmates (they lived in an all girl's dorm), the NPosse, to come out and play off and on. They even got the posse to roll to Philly for a tourney. In the spring of '98, Corina Stoicescu and Heather Davidson joined Rima & Chris at college sectionals to team up w/ the also struggling Miami U of OH women's team. Flying their spirits into the muddy weather and high winds, they made a valient demonstration of pioneerism.
In the fall of '98, Alice Lin, a veteran player, returned from Scotland to lend Chris and Rima support. Unfortunately, Corina took off for a year-long abroad experience. Freshman Ilana Grubin showed up at CWRU foaming crazy about disc w/in the first few weeks. A scouting report made by Anjana Vagarali of the NPosse brought news of a soccer player w/ a great snatch- she missed nothing. Thus, Sarah LaMarca was stolen from the soccer team. She then brought Megan Neill, another great snatcher and athlete. Though she never fully committed to the team, she made crucial cameo appearances at practices and tournies for the duration of her CWRU career, often filling the 7th spot in the 11th hour when the team tried to mobilize to tournies. We are thankful for her support. The new year brought very tall senior Steph Dohar back from co-op and excited to try ultimate.
To be continued when the author gets more sleep...
...and it appears, in true Case Western fashion, as though she never did.
Now, it's 2024, and the Lady Gobies are strong in size, strength, and mental fortitude. We even outnumber our wonderful dev and comp boys on DiSanto from time to time, though we could never hope to scream and grunt with the dedication they bring. To support such a powerful community, the Lady Gobies regularly partake in women's bonding activities. Some highlights include Ladies Shackle, Survivor, and Josie's Baby Shower. We also keep a bottle of blue ready at all times. Want to learn more? Go talk to the funniest, smartest, most beautiful, and most athletic woman you can find, and I'm pretty sure she'll know what's up.