
Back In My Day...

No one can really trace the origins of Case Western Ultimate. Some say it started when man first learned to walk on two legs, while others claim it to be when Benjamin Franklin invented the airfoil. However, the current and most popular theory suggests that Case Ultimate was born as a direct result of the creation of swag, which coincidentally happened at the exact moment Alex "Future" Hunt, CWRU alumnus, exited the womb wearing nothing but stunna shades.

Some time in the 1990s Case Ultimate, then known as the sCWRU-Heads, felt a change of winds was needed to reflect the changing dynamic of the team in the ultimate community. In the wee hours of the night, at one of our famous holiday dinners, the idea was conceived, among other things, to change the identity of Case Ultimate to The Fighting Gobies. 

We haven't looked back since.

The mission of The Fighting Gobies is to create a force so unstoppable, so awesome, so grossly steez that the jowls of the late Chris Farley will unendingly shake from beyond the grave at even the faintest whisper of the team's name.

Mission Accomplished.

Notable Contributions:

The Fighting Gobies are responsible for creating the drinking version of the game Box, a simple game involving two boxes, a disc, and the highest level of competition.

Legend has it you can find The Fighting Gobies on @friday.beers if you have enough time on your hands...



History of the Lady Gobies

Gobies at Nationals


The Goby Logo (and sCWRUhead)

Past Series Finishes

2014 - 2015 Stuff

2012 - 2013 Stuff

2011 - 2012 Stuff

2010 - 2011 Stuff

2009 - 2010 Stuff

2008 - 2009 Stuff

2007 - 2008 Stuff

2006 - 2007 Stuff

2005 - 2006 Stuff

2004 - 2005 Stuff

2003 - 2004 Stuff

2001 - 2002 Stuff

2000 - 2001 Stuff

1999 - 2000 Stuff

1998 - 1999 Stuff

1997 - 1998 Stuff

1995 - 1996 Stuff